Digg has Venture Capital - a few million bucks
Digg just received money from venture capitalists
Absolutely fabulous news for this great site, may it live long and prosper!
read more | digg story
Links to the weird, wonderful, geek-minded that I would like to bring to everyone's attention, no real diary as such...
Digg just received money from venture capitalists
Apple Computer is once again gathering the press together as it rolls out new innovations. The invitation sent to MacCentral asks to join them as "we unveil Apple's latest pro innovations". This makes it 3 press events in 5 weeks!
The Clicker: Apple’s real plan for iPod video? - Engadget - www.engadget.com: "Apple knows that to own the portable video market they’ve got to bring turkey to the table and there are no bigger turkeys than the brain trusts behind episodic television. As we’ll soon see in step 2, this isn’t the monumental task that it might seem. Knowing full well that they won’t be able to launch with the entirety of television, Apple has chosen a different approach."